Letter P
Packages beginning with letter "P".
- perl-Acme-ProgressBar - Simple progress bar for the patient
- perl-AnyEvent - Framework for multiple event loops
- perl-Astro - Astro - Perl module
- perl-Astro-FITS-Header - Astro-FITS-Header - Object Orientated interface to FITS HDUs
- perl-CGI-XML - Extension for converting CGI.pm variables to/from XML
- perl-Chart-Plot - Plot two dimensional data in an image
- perl-Chart-Strip - Draw strip chart type graphs
- perl-Crypt-PassGen - Generate a random password that looks like a real word
- perl-DateTime-Calendar-Christian - Dates in the Christian calendar
- perl-DateTime-Calendar-Julian - Dates in the Julian calendar
- perl-DateTime-Locale - Localization support for DateTime.pm
- perl-DateTime-TimeZone - Time zone object base class and factory
- perl-Event-ExecFlow - High level API for event-based execution flow control
- perl-Gtk2-ImageView - Perl bindings to the GtkImageView image viewer widget
- perl-HTML-Clean - Cleans HTML
- perl-Mail-DKIM - Sign and verify Internet mail with DKIM/DomainKey signatures
- perl-Math-Random - Random number generators
- perl-Net-Google - Interface to the Google SOAP API
- perl-PGPLOT - PGPLOT - allow subroutines in the PGPLOT graphics library to be called from Perl.
- perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu - Term-ReadLine-Gnu - Perl extension for the GNU Readline/History Library
- perl-Test-Harness - Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
- perl-Test-Simple - Basic utilities for writing tests
- perl-XML-Elemental - Perl module implements simplistic and perlish handling of XML data
- pidgin-encryption - RSA encryption support for Pidgin
- python-nids - Python wrapper for libnids (Network Intrusion Detection System)