Letter N

nagvis - Visualization addon for Nagios

Website: http://www.nagvis.org/
License: GPLv2
Vendor: GhiaPet RPMs <http://www.ghiapet.net/>
NagVis can be used to visualize Nagios Data, e.g. to display IT
processes like a mail system or a network infrastructure.

Key features are:
    * Display of single Hosts and Services
    * Visualize a complete Host- or Servicegroup with one icon
    * Display the state of a Host dependent on the state of
      its services (“recognize services”)
    * Display only the real problems (“only_hard_states”)
    * Define Sub-Map icons which represent a complete NagVis
      Map of Hosts/Services/Groups in one icon (drill down)
    * Visualization/Documentation of complete IT Processes
      and Infrastructures using self drawn graphics


nagvis-1.9.16-0.1.fc40.gp.src [1.8 MiB] Changelog by J. Randall Owens (2019-10-30):
- update to version 1.9.16
- rebuild for Fedora/GhiaPet 31
nagvis-1.9.16-0.1.fc40.gp.noarch [1.3 MiB] Changelog by J. Randall Owens (2019-10-30):
- update to version 1.9.16
- rebuild for Fedora/GhiaPet 31

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6