Letter C

cpan2rpm - Perl module packager

Website: http://search.cpan.org/~ecalder/cpan2rpm/
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: GhiaPet RPMs <http://www.ghiapet.net/>
cpan2rpm generates RPM packages from Perl modules. It generates the
required SPEC files and builds the packages using rpm. cpan2rpm
automatically downloads the module from CPAN, or it can be built from
local files.


cpan2rpm-2.028-7.fc40.gp.src [62 KiB] Changelog by Stepan Kasal (2009-03-30):
- Use Pod::PlainText instead of Pod::Text (#481147)
cpan2rpm-2.028-7.fc40.gp.noarch [58 KiB] Changelog by Stepan Kasal (2009-03-30):
- Use Pod::PlainText instead of Pod::Text (#481147)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6