Letter B

bin2iso - Convert ".bin" files into ISO or WAV

Website: http://users.andara.com/~doiron/bin2iso/
License: Distributable (Unknown)
Vendor: GhiaPet RPMs <http://www.ghiapet.net/>
A program to convert ".bin" images into iso or wav files.


bin2iso-1.9-5.b.fc21.gp.i686 [17 KiB] Changelog by Hans de Goede (2007-02-19):
- Install the single c-file our sources consist of before compiling them, so
  that they end up in -debuginfo even when building under mock
bin2iso-1.9-5.b.fc21.gp.x86_64 [17 KiB] Changelog by Hans de Goede (2007-02-19):
- Install the single c-file our sources consist of before compiling them, so
  that they end up in -debuginfo even when building under mock
bin2iso-1.9-5.b.fc21.gp.src [15 KiB] Changelog by Hans de Goede (2007-02-19):
- Install the single c-file our sources consist of before compiling them, so
  that they end up in -debuginfo even when building under mock

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6