Letter P

pngcheck - PNG tester and debugger

Website: http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/apps/pngcheck.html
License: BSD
Vendor: GhiaPet RPMs <http://www.ghiapet.net/>
pngcheck is the official PNG tester and debugger. Originally designed simply
to test the CRCs within a PNG image file (e.g., to check for ASCII rather
than binary transfer), it has since been extended to check and optionally
print almost all the information about a PNG image and to verify that it
conforms to the PNG specification. It also includes partial support for MNG


pngcheck-2.3.0-4.fc20.gp.i686 [40 KiB] Changelog by J. Randall Owens (2010-06-13):
- rebuild for GhiaPet/Fedora 13
pngcheck-2.3.0-4.fc20.gp.x86_64 [45 KiB] Changelog by J. Randall Owens (2010-06-13):
- rebuild for GhiaPet/Fedora 13
pngcheck-2.3.0-4.fc20.gp.src [62 KiB] Changelog by J. Randall Owens (2010-06-13):
- rebuild for GhiaPet/Fedora 13

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6