Letter P

perl-Text-WikiFormat - Covert text in a simple Wiki markut language to other tag languages

Website: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Text-WikiFormat/
License: Artistic/GPL
Vendor: GhiaPet RPMs <http://www.ghiapet.net/>
Text::WikiFormat converts text in a simple Wiki markup language to whatever
your little heart desires, provided you can describe it accurately in a
semi-regular tag language.


perl-Text-WikiFormat-0.81-1.fc20.gp.noarch [30 KiB] Changelog by J. Randall Owens (2013-11-25):
- Updated to version 0.81.
perl-Text-WikiFormat-0.81-1.fc20.gp.src [38 KiB] Changelog by J. Randall Owens (2013-11-25):
- Updated to version 0.81.
perl-Text-WikiFormat-0.80-1.fc20.gp.src [32 KiB] Changelog by J. Randall Owens (2012-07-23):
- updated to version 0.80

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6